April 2022 Newsletter
Brighton Woods Homeowners’ Association Newsletter
News from the Board - April 2022
We hope that this monthly communication to homeowners will serve to keep all informed of the activities of the Association and news around our neighborhood.
Annual Members Meeting April 26th
Annual Members Meeting and Election will be held April 26th, 7:00 PM at the Rio Pinar Country Club Meeting Room, 8600 El Prado, Orlando. The initial notice of meeting was mailed on February 18th and the second notice on March 29th. During the meeting we will be electing one new board member to fill Ivan Tobin’s position which is expiring. Cindy Nicoloff has submitted her intent to be a candidate. Nominations from the floor may also be made by homeowners at the meeting.
Please note, a quorum of 30% of homeowners must be present either in-person or by proxy at the meeting in order for business to be conducted, including Election of Directors. If you are unable to attend, please provide your proxy to a neighbor who will be attending to vote on your behalf or to a Board Member. A proxy was included with the second meeting notice and is included with this letter.
In addition to routine agenda items other meeting topics include a presentation of progress made by our Safety and Security Committee and considerations for a new surveillance camera system. An expert will make a presentation and discuss features of a system we are presently considering. Additionally, the Board is considering refinements to our 2012 ARB Guidelines mostly involving fencing types, standards and restrictions; certain material ratings, and removing the single color restriction on garage doors. The Board will not be voting on either of these matters at the meeting but is looking for homeowner feedback. The draft Guidelines are posted on our website. at: https://www.dropbox.com/s/0i7lrcxlzsyaiut/BW%20ARB%20Guidelines%202022.pdf?dl=0
The guideline changes remain in compliance or remove conflicts with Brighton Woods Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions (CCR’s). Any changes to CCR’s would require approval by 75% of homeowners.
Sunshine Committee
Meet, Greet & Eat Event April 30th
The Sunshine Committee will be hosting a Meet, Eat and Greet Event. Come and mingle with your neighbors on April 30th from 5 to 8 pm at the Open Lot next to 1814 Billingshurst Court. See flyer for more information. Hot dogs, chips and cookies will be provided. Lawn games are welcome.
Design Your Flower Bouquet Event – Saturday May 7th, 9:30 to 11:30 Central Pond Area. Flowers and event has been donated by our neighbor Yaritza Srichaiyan. See flyer. Space is limited so please RSVP to Yaritza if you plan to attend.
Architectural Review Board (ARB) News
If you are planning any exterior modifications to your property or home including changing the paint color, putting up a fence, cutting down a tree, etcetera you need to make an Application by going to this link: https://pdf.ac/Xf8xX . Once completed, your application will automatically upload to the Brighton Woods ARB. If you have questions feel free to email Brie at: brie@tridentmgmt.com .
Safety and Security Committee
For the past few months we have been working on several issues related to your personal safety and security. On April 26, 2022 at 7 PM we will be joined by Mr. Al Lewis of Gator Security Company in Okeechobee, Florida who will be providing us with information about a camera system that is in wide use by subdivisions and other organizations in southeastern Florida and is beginning to be used by more and more communities in this part of the state. It is very important that you attend so that you have the opportunity to learn about the system and to voice your opinion on its use in our community.
Landscape Committee
Thank you to the Landscape Committee who have worked hard at improving the appearance of our entrance area. Continued improvements are in the works! Unfortunately the large oak tree just behind the entrance wall on the eastern side is diseased and will need to be removed for safety and concerns it will damaged the wall if it falls. It will be replaced to keep balance in our landscape. If you like gardening keep an eye out for opportunities to assist with landscape work in our common areas.
Pond Water Management – The Board recently had the County pond water management representative take a look at the 2 ponds at our front entrance questioning the low water level. We were assured that the ponds and drainage system is functioning properly and that the water level is indicative of the generally low water table throughout the County.
Brighton Woods Website
Our Website is back up and running but still under construction. Thanks to Brie Hutchinson for her assistance with this. Under “Homeowners Access” you can find Newsletters, Upcoming Events, our Governing Documents, and Architectural Review Board (ARB) information including the online Application for review and approval of your planned project. It is located at: https://www.brightonwoods.net/.
Warm Regards on behalf of the Board, Bart Francescone
Bart – bjf1bjf1@gmail.com, Mike – mike@legacyplans.com, Ivan – Ivan@outletrealty.com